The house of the Lord is a gathering place where people seek guidance and motivate each other (Hebrews 10:24), especially during arduous times. Followed by praising and worshiping the Most High, as a form of gratitude (Psalm 100:4) ...
Perhaps, it due to the fact that more men, women and youths of "ALL" ages are tired of living a life filled with momentary gratification. Ergo, their eyes and minds have been opened in such a way that they've come to the conclusion that Jesus Christ is the best solution to what ills them (Colossians 3:2) ...
It's ironic, how sometimes people have to encounter something extremely tragic before they see the solution to true joy and happiness (1 Peter 5:10). Oh well, after everything is said and done, theirs always someone who needs to try everything, rebuke what's wrong and then bear hug what's in God's program (1 Thessalonians 5:21) ...
Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,