Sunday, December 21, 2014

"It Takes Courage"

It's an emotion that comes from experiencing the trials and tribulations that we as human beings tend to encounter in life and eventually overcoming them. In other words, courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, without fear ...

It truly takes courage to refuse the advances of this world. Courage to quell the pressures that lead to offend the Lord. Such as drugs, being promiscuous (in a sexual sense) or alcohol; but instead they prefer to maintain themselves pure (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) ...

The bibles shares the stories of many men, women and youths that displayed different stages of courage. At this moment, we're going to talks about Daniel who wouldn't defile himself with the king's food (Daniel 1:8); but instead he (Daniel) asked if he could spent 10 days without eating the king's food (Daniel 1:12). After the 10 days passed, Daniel and Daniel looked healthier than those younger men who did eat the King's food (Daniel 1:15) ...

It truly takes courage to be a leader in a world full of so much chaos. To stand up for what's right and teach all those around you a lesson of righteousness without saying a word; but through your own testimony (Titus 2:7). Therefore, continue to do what's right and show the world that serving the Lord isn't a waste of time (Colossians 3:23-24) ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Patiences, create Abundance

The Apostle John is the author of the book of Revelation (Revelation 1:1). In addition to, him being a prisoner in Rome and during his latter years, God shared a great deal of wisdom with him, just like he did with Job (a prophet in the Abrahamic Religions) (Job 12:12) ...

Question? Haven't you noticed that when your experiencing the deepest heartache in your life and it feels as if your about to die, that's when God ministers to you the most (Revelation 21:4)? What the Alpha and Omega, inspired the Apostle Paul to tell us is that if we ask, then the Lord will bless us, abundantly (Ephesians 3:20) ...

On the flip side, if you patiently wait on Jesus Christ, when you least expect, you'll se what He has ordained over your life. Just like Jehovah God told the Prophet Jeremiah, about how He (Jehovah) formed Jeremiah while he was still in his mother's womb (Jeremiah 1:5). That's why you should be mindful of "ALL" your decisions and actions, so that what our Heavenly Father places in your life's, no one can take away from us (Revelation 3:11) ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Truthful Tuesday

1 John 3:13 (NLT) - So don’t be surprised, dear brothers and sisters, if the world hates you.

The Apostle John is pointing out how a Christian shouldn't get startled when unbelievers don't treat them in a favorable fashion. Keep in mind, that not everyone has the spiritual maturity to comprehend why Daniel refused to eat King's Nebuchadnezzar royal food and wine (Daniel 1:8) ...

During this holiday season, be cautious regarding what you eat or drink; because some of the ingredients may not be pleasing to the Lord (Proverbs 20:1) ... In fact, if you want to live a healthier life, then imitate Daniel and sacrifice yourself by going without something that many feel wise; but deep down inside you know it really isn't (Daniel 1:15)?

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Friday, December 5, 2014

Fresh Friday

Everyone has their own way of showing God how much they love Him; however adhering to His commandments, is a prefect illustration, without saying a word, even if most people find it to be an onus (1 John 5:3) ...

In fact, the bible talks 2 brothers: Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain a worker of the ground (Genesis 4:2). Now, here's an excellent precedent of 2 brothers (Abel and Cain) that said they love the Lord, yet differed in their demeanor. One day, Cain offered the fruit of the ground (Genesis 4:3) and Abel brought of the firstborn of his flock, plus their fat portions (Genesis 4:4) ...

The pivotal of this post is to warn families of various kin how not give way to a jealous vitality. Otherwise, the loyalty of one kin's can trigger an envious reaction in the other sibling. Just like when Cain got upset by the way God viewed Abel's offering (Genesis 4:4), therefore that provoked Cain to commit murder (Genesis 4:8). Because where envy lays, disorder gives birth to evil actions (James 3:16) ...

In the words of B. C. Forbes, Jealousy... is a mental cancer.

 Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Good Afternoon Everyone:   

On this Thanksgiving Day, we'd truly like to wish each and everyone of you good health (3 John 1:2), a roof over you & your family's heads, something to eat and that your also able to give your worries over to the Lord, because He knows what to do (1 Peter 5:7) ...

On that note, PLEASE don't forget to offer something to eat to someone who has less than you? Because sometimes we get so wrapped up in ourselves and we forget about those who have less us and this is what the bible says regarding that subject ...

Proverbs 19:17 (HCSB) - Kindness to the poor is a loan to the Lord,
and He will give a reward to the lender.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone from Breakfast with Jesus ...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Dear Body of Christ

Yes, the days can feel overwhelming, at times; however don't forget that the fruit of your patience will reap a healthy crop ... Or in other words, when the crop is dried for a long time and the farmer continues to wait for a hearty dose of rain, because he/she knows that it will arrive eventually (James 5:7) ... Beloved, while you wait for what the Lord has in store for you,... don't forget that the devil will take every chance he gets to create chaos in your life and robe you of your joy that Jesus Christ has in store for you (John 10:10) ...

The Apostle James shares with us how Job never gave up and how we, too should comprehend that when God has a purpose for your life, He won't stop till it's come to pass (James 5:11). Therefore, look forward to embrace this new day with this in your mind and hearts ...

James 1:12 (GW) - Blessed are those who endure when they are tested. When they pass the test, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

An Honest Reminder

The bible is constantly reminding it's readers how to interact with each other. For example, the book of Hebrews
reaffirms how brothers and sisters in Christ should treat each other (Hebrews  13:1). Being hospitality to strangers, especially during this season may sound a bit hash; but a person never knows whether or not the Lord sends an angel in the place of a stranger (Hebrews 13:2) ...

That's why it's not realistic to judge a person due to appearance; because someone can do the same thing to you (Matthew 7:1). For instance, if someone enters a church, wearing expensive clothing and jewelry, then another person who's poor in every aspect of the word also enters the same place (James 2:2), the individual who's financially stable is treated with more courtesy and seated in the best seat, then the person who isn't so well off, followed by being told to stand someone else or sit on the floor (James 2:3) ...

All the above examples only show that the underprivileged are mistreated and the well-to-do are welcomed; nonetheless this is what the bible says ...

Romans 2:11 (HCSB) -  There is no favoritism with God.

The Apostle Paul wants us to commemorate the above bible verse every chance we get; because if it were happening to you, wouldn't you want someone to be bias in your situation?
Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Mission's Formation

 When God has a calling over a person, He appears to him or her in a vision, speaks to them through His word or sends a prophet to convey the message. In the case of Ezekiel, the Lord gave him a vision, during that time he was in Babylon (Ezekiel 1:1). Shocked after seeing God's glory, in the form of a glowing halo and rainbow shining in the clouds (Ezekiel 1:28), the Lord referred to Ezekiel as th...e Son of Man (Ezekiel 2:1). While, God and Ezekiel were chatting, the Lord's words immediately brought him to his feet (Ezekiel 2:2) ...

Ezekiel's mission was to go to Israel and prophesize to a rebellious nation (Ezekiel 2:3). Keep in mind, that God equips a person before He sends them any where. Just like Ezekiel had to deal with stubborn people, God still wanted the nation of Israel to know that among them was a prophet anyway (Ezekiel 2:5) ...

Yes, the Lord gave you a job, an apartment or allowed you to be accepted to a creditable school; however your not happy and sometimes you still feel as if your alone. However, don't turn your back on God; instead, follow in Ezekiel's footsteps, fill yourself with bible knowledge (Ezekiel 2:8) and what your digesting will taste just like honey (Ezekiel 3:3). At the end, you'll see that the Lord's words, together with your wholesome testimony, will touch someone's heart and as a result, this is what's going to happen at the end ...

Proverbs 27:17 (NCV) - As iron sharpens iron, so people can improve each other.

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Your Not Alone

What Jesus Christ did on the Cross of Calvary (Philippians 2:8) for a society that debated on whether or not to welcome Him into their life's. However, most of their decisions were based upon not grasping the spiritual concept, but instead viewing everything through their own logic (1 Corinthians 2:14) ...

Nowadays, this is what's going on, people tend to misinterpret the true definition of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and eternal life. For instance why He was crucified on the cross (John 3:16), the purpose of Him becoming the mediator between God and mankind (1 Timothy 2:5) ...

Whenever your feeling sad or blue, abandoned by siblings and friends, because they don't understand what your going through, all we have to say is perhaps, that's the case; but no matter what your experiencing at this point in time, we don't want you to feel alone; however and here's the best solution for all of the above, too ...

Psalm 55:22 (ERV) -Give your worries to the Lord, and he will care for you. He will never let those who are good be defeated.

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday's News Flash

Evening ALL:

The Apostle Paul (Timothy's Spiritual Father) was constantly warning Tim about how and why he shouldn't give into evil desires, such as we lust. Paul even went deeper, he'd offered an productive alternative, such as: living a healthy lifestyle (2 Timothy 2:22). Paul took on the title of fatherhood went it come to young Timothy (1 Timothy 1:18). Furthermore, Paul chatting with Tim about the pro's and con's of debating or arguing with others. Every chance the Apostle Paul got, he used it to suggest that involving himself in futile altercations; only lead to senseless bickering (2 Timothy 2:23) ...

The Apostle Paul slipped on numerous hats when it came Timothy and one of them was being his confidant, too. Why you ask, it's because Timothy was being schooled by Paul in how to interact with others (2 Timothy 2:24) ...

All in all, their is an Apostle Paul (Spiritual Father) and a Timothy (Spiritual Son) in all of us and together they'll learn from each other (Proverbs 27:17) literally speaking and that's an awesome combination ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Thursday, October 9, 2014

"Out of the Cocoon"

Question? How many of you has the Lord spoken over you a particular Minister, while you were still in your mother's womb, just like He did to the Prophetic Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:5)? And you too are making excuses about your age or that your not maturity enough to take on that task, just like the Prophet Jeremiah did (Jeremiah 1:6)?

 Now, take a deep breath before you answer the next question? How many times has God had to remind you that your not to young to do what He's asked of you, plus if the Lord has called you to say or do something, He'll be by your side, all the way (Jeremiah 1:7). Moreover, He'll also put the proper words in your mouth, too (Jeremiah 1:8) ...

Thus, don't allow your timidness' to keep you from experiencing the depth of your calling ...  Just like a butterfly transforms or comes or out of it's cocoon, so do you ...  #Food4Thought,

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Actions and Chain Reactions

The Apostle Paul had a clear cut and spiritual way of teaching the Church of Galatians how his fleshly desires have died; because Christ lives in him. Living by faith, is key because of the belief they had in the Son of God, who loved society and gave His life for them (Galatians 2:20) ... As a member of the Body of Christ, without you even knowing it, your teaching and preaching the Gospel wherever you go, through how you react to certain situations (Matthew 24:14) ...

Tha...t's why every man, woman and youth that's given free reign to the King of Kings in their life's, should carefully ponder each step before doing it. By doing so, this is another way of conducting yourself as one of God's approved workers (2 Timothy 2:15) ... Life has it's ups and downs; however if your directed by the Alpha and Omega (Revelation 22:13), your end results will be more than satisfactory for you and all those around you, too. On account of, your servicing the good shepherd who gave up His life for his sheep (John 10:11) ...

Blessings from Breakfast from Jesus,

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Don't Give Up!

Greetings Everyone:

While Jesus was traveling from town to village, teaching and preaching the Gospel, He was accompanied by His 12 disciples, too (Luke 8:1). Christ meet a man named Jairus (leader of the synagogue) who desperately pleaded with Jesus to come to his home; because his 12 year old daughter was dying (Luke 8:41-42).

 Jairus, a father in pain could have lost control or even given up; but instead he begged the son of God to come to the aid of his daughter.

Sometimes, if a person isn't careful the enemy can discourage them into believing that all is lost. Nonetheless, you must keep in mind that the hope of a righteous person brings joy and the wick only end up perishing (Proverbs 10:28). On that note, whatever your going through, don't give up, because you serve a God that if you wait on Him, your strengthen will be renewed (Isaiah 40:31) ...

Have an awesome Sunday, in Jesus name ... #Amen,
Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Saturday, July 19, 2014


A simple word that carries a BIG meaning. The bible defines faith as waiting for something you haven't seen yet; but hoping for it anyway(Hebrews 11:1). Perhaps, you have a particular petition before the Lord; but your faith level is decreasing. Here's a story about a couple named Abraham & Sara that were childless; nonetheless the Lord promised them a kid(Genesis 18:14). Sara immediately giggled(Genesis 18:12) because was focusing on her age instead of what God said... ...

You shouldn't draw calculations on what your seeing, because your not going to get the full picture. For example, you may not being asking the Lord told Sara & Abraham that they'd have a child, but they thought that their old age wouldn't permit it(Romans 4:19). At the end the Lord(like always) was true to His word and Sara gave birth to a son, a year later; because God would establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant with their son(Genesis 16:18) ...

With this last thought we'd like to leave with you, God will supply your needs according to the riches in Jesus Christ(Philippians 4:19). Therefore, when it comes to hope rejoice, as for tribulations, be patient and ALWAYS prayer(Romans 12:12) ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Resembling Jesus

At this moment, while so many people are sleeping, getting back from or going to work, we have to stop and say how GRATEFUL we are to Jesus transformed our life's(2 Corinthians 5:17). Christ also did it for you and the rest of society, too. The awesome part of it was that even before, we were saved, He still loved us anyway(Romans 5:8) ...

That's we can't stop testifying to the world how GRATEFUL we are to be called His Daughter and Son, we're no longer alone; instead we'r...e joined in spirit to Christ(1 Corinthians 6:17) ...

Keep in mind, if your ever reunited with a sibling, friend or interact with a stranger, that hasn't taken that serious step of faith yet, for some reason or other and you offer them the plan of Salvation; but instead of showing the Lord and you respect, they conduct themselves in a rude fashion. Don't fall into their trap of disrespect(Romans 12:21) ... On the contrary, share the same love the Lord gave you(1 John 4:19) and in time you'll see God's Glory ...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Similar Problems

When you come to the Lord, don't think that you won't encounter a few ups and downs; but keep in mind that what's awaiting you in Heaven is greater than your suffering(Romans 8:18). There was a man Job named, who in God's eyes was respectful and feared the Lord(Job 1:1) and let's not forget, extremely rich, too(Job 1:2);  however he was experiencing this ...
Job had sons that loved to host banquets and invite their 3 sisters(Job 1:4). As a result, every morning Job suggested to his children to go purify themselves, so that in the event that they offended the Lord, God would forgive them(Job 1:5). Parents all over the world have similar problems; because some of today's youth are experiencing a great deal of peer pressure and it introduces them to disobeying the Lord, their parents, themselves and eventually embracing bad habits, too(1 Corinthians 15:33) ...
Nonetheless, the bible continues to teach all those who study it or just read through it(once in a blue moon) to NEVER lose hope because whatever Jesus Christ started in you and your family's life, He'll finish it(Philippians 1:6) ...
Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

It's Your Choice

When the Lord gives you a particular responsibility, you shouldn't allow anyone to intimidate you into doing something that will offend God. For example, Moses went up to the mountain to pray(Exodus 32:1) the people gathered around Arron an...d demanded that Arron make them Gods that would lead them(Exodus 32:1) ...

It's a pity, how some people forget how the Lord told Moses to take His people our of Egypt(Exodus 3:10). Instead of being grateful, they start to ask for the impossible. For example, Arron(Moses Brother) caved in and told everyone to bring him their wife's, daughters and neighbors gold earrings(Exodus 32:2). The people immediately handed Arron all the gold(Exodus 32:3) so Arron made a statue of a calf(Exodus 32:4) ...

If God blesses you with a career or a blissful relationship and your being persuaded into doing something that you know it's not your cup of tea, you have 2 choices. Stick to your guns and be yourself or please someone else while your frustrated and as a result offend the Lord, too. That being said, the choice is your; but if we were you, we'd stand firm in what we believe and were taught; because in the long run you'll grow and people will respect you more ...
Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Morning Everyone:

The Apostle Paul set sail to Ephesus because he wanted to spend some time at Asia, while hurrying to Jerusalem, so he could be there for the day of Pentecost(Acts 20:16). Now, during the time Paul was in Miletus and he sent a message to Ephesus, calling for the elders of the Church(Acts 20:17). Paul began to reminisce with the elders about the 1st. time he set foot in Asia(Acts 20:18). Occasionally, when someone is about to share a heartfelt story or farewell(like Paul) was about to do, a person chats about the good and bad times they experienced together ...

All in all, the Apostle Paul served the Lord with humility and he underwent trials and tribulations, too, because the Jews were always plotting against him(Acts 20:19). That's why, we as a Body of Christ can't ever turn our backs on the only one who dies on the Cross for us(Mark 15:25). Perchance, your under attack at home, work or even during summer school; however if you study the bible, you'll see that Paul wasn't the only one who's been through trying times, especially on account of him spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ(Matthew 28:19). Yes, your going to suffer, siblings and friends may turn their backs on you, however you shouldn't be surprised(1 Peter 4:12) because your telling the world about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and the devil's angry. So be careful because the knows that if you continue to serve the Lord, the blessings that are going to follow you are endless and that's why he'll attempt to send traps your way(1 Peter 5:8) ...

Blessings from Jesus Christ,

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Patience, is a Blessing

While the Apostle Paul was visiting some places in Ephesus(Acts 19:1), he met up with a few followers, Paul proceeded to ask them if they've received the Holy Spirit yet and their reply was sincere because they've never heard about the Holy Spirit(Acts 19:2). You see, the Lord entrusted in us the mission to teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world(Mark 16:15) and that's what Paul was doing. Our point being, their is always someone that still hasn't received the full Gospel of Jesus Christ, that's we should be patient and treat them with love and respect(1 John 4:19) ...

Then the Apostle Paul dug deeper into the conversation because he continued to ask them what kind of baptism did they receive and their reply was the baptism of John(Acts 19:3). Furthermore, Paul shared with them that John’s baptism was a baptism of changed hearts and lives; however Paul told people to believe in the one who's coming after him, and that one is Jesus(Acts 19:4). Paul took the time to carefully educate them on the definition of baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus, then Paul took their hands and they immediately received the Holy Spirit, prophesying and spoke in different languages, too(Acts 19:5-6) ...

We'd just want to stress the importance of manifesting the fruits of the spirit(Galatians 5:22-23) and then the Lord will take care of the rest ... #Something2Ponder,

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Friday, June 27, 2014

Dear Body of Christ

Yes, in each Brother and Sister's life the Lord allows them to encounter or accompany someone who's preaching or teaching Gospel of Jesus Christ to individuals that should ponder how to become free of their sinful life...'s; but instead they refuse to recognize their faults. That's what occurred to the Apostle Paul, when he was at synagogue every Sabbath and tried to persuade both Jews and Greeks(Acts 18:4) ...

Now, the Jews resisted and blasphemed about what the Apostle Paul was saying regarding Jesus being the Messiah(Acts 18:5); nonetheless Paul didn't conduct himself in an immature manner; but instead he stated that their blood won't fall on him(Acts 18:6). What we as a Body of Christ should seriously ponder from what the Apostle Paul did is that what we do is for the Lord's glory and sometimes speaking the truth and clear to a sibling, friend or stranger can open their eyes when you or they least expect it ...

Thus, continue to share the God's word every opportunity you get and in the Lord's time and don't EVER be ashamed(2 Timothy 1:8) because when you least expect you'll see the results ...

Enjoy your 1st. day of summer, while you relax in a Jesus Joy kind of atmosphere ... #HaLLeLuJaH,
Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

On TiMe

In the book of 2 Kings 4:1, the bible talks about a widow prophet's wife, who cried out to Elisha the Prophet; because a creditor was threatening to take away her 2 children and making them his slaves because she owned him money. Now the Prophet Elisha asked her what did she have in her home and she replied just a jar full of oil(2 Kings 4:2).

You know something, when you think that "ALL" isn't enough, that's when God teaches you a lesson in Faith(Hebrews 11:1). Now, here's what the Prophet Elisha told the widow, go and borrow as many empty containers from your neighbors(2 Kings 4:3). Then go into your home with your 2 sons and pour the oil in all those jars(2 Kings 4:4). After she filled the jars, she continued to tell her 2 sons to bring her more containers; however the 2 young boys told her that they didn't have anymore(2 Kings 4:6).

The widow told Elisha the man of God that she did what he said, then Elisha told her to go and sell the oil, pay your debt and you & your 2 sons can live in peace(2 Kings 4:7). What the Lord is trying to each you is that when you think your at the end of your rope, that's when our Heavenly Father sends you a person or resource to get out of the bottomless pit ... #Something2Ponder, Instead of giving up!

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Friday, June 13, 2014

Jesus, truly Transforms

Grateful that while we were studying the bible this afternoon, the Lord spoke to our hearts regarding the true transformation of an individual who attacked Christians because they believed in Jesus Christ(Acts 9:1) ... While Saul traveled to Damascus, a falling light to the ground questioned Saul regarding why he persecutes Christians(Acts 9:3-4) ...

After Saul's encounter with God, he was blinded for 3 days(Acts 9:9). Then the Lord spoke to a man named Anaias, sent him to a home of believers so that he'd lay hands on Saul and help him regain his sight(Acts 9:15) ...

God occasionally allows you to embark upon certain situations in life and after you've suffered a bite, the His Glory restores and establishes you beyond your imagination (1 Peter 5:10) ... The moral of this is, give thanks to the Lord; because the BIGGER the battle the greater the Victory( 1 Corinthians 15:57) ...
Breakfast with Jesus, 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Tuesday's Truth

Afore, Jesus Christ commissioned His 12 disciples(Matthew 10:2-4) with authority over the unclean spirits, healing every disease and sickness was also on His agenda(Matthew 10:1). In addition to, not sending them off on a wild-goose chase or unprepared for what lies ahead. Rather, Jesus continued to remind His first 12 followers(disciples) that before they do anything or go anywhere, prayer is an essential key to keeping an eye out for traps that could lead to an ungodly demeanor(Matthew 26:41). That was also on His mind while He walked with His 12 disciples, because He knew that they were sheep among wolfs(Matthew 10:16) ...

In conclusion, Body of Christ be prudent regarding your actions (Proverbs 22:3) because fashions, clothing and the music industry change; but the intention of the enemy is the same(John 10:10) ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Friday, May 30, 2014

Greetings Everyone:

Here's a thought to ponder on this Friday evening ...

Proverbs 17:22(NLT) - A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.

 Most of you maybe saying to yourselves why should I be happy? Well, here's just one reason why you should smile instead of cry. Now, the Lord could have ignored last month's, yesterday's or even this morning's prayer request; but instead He preferred to do this ...

Mark 11:24(NLV) - Because of this, I say to you, whatever you ask for when you pray, have faith that you will receive it. Then you will get it.

Haven't you figured out yet that God isn't asking you to do the impossible? All He wants you to believe in this ...

Philippians 4:19(HCSB) - And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

We hope and pray that this will clear your mind a little ... #Amen,

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Friday, May 9, 2014

Being Realistic

Did you know that prayer is an excellent opportunity for you to be up front with the Lord
 regarding those touchy issues that you wouldn't share with anyone? 

For instance, how to deal with an intrusive sibling or friend that act sincere one moment and the next their not. Turning your pleasant conversations into a bowl of messy spaghetti. In other words, their acting like this?

Psalm 5:9 (NLV) - For in their talk there is no truth. Their hearts destroy. Their mouths are like an open grave. With their tongues, they say sweet-sounding words that are not true.

At some point in your life your going to encounter this type of individual, perhaps the Lord wants to use you so that they can expect Christ. Therefore, don't lose sleep over this person, unless your going to do this ...

Luke 6:28 (NKJV) - Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Have You Wondered?

The Lord put this thought in our hearts before we leave for Church. Did you know that sometimes a person visits a Church for the first time and instead of the congregation receiving them that individual in a kind and respectful manner, it's sad to say but a judgmental button is suddenly activated. Brother or Sister that man, woman or even youth who is experiencing someone going on a quest about how to dress, what time arrive the next time  and/or etc. That's why you should embrace this ...
James 1:19 (NCV) - My dear brothers and sisters, always be willing to listen and slow to speak. Do not become angry easily,
Beloved Church, haven't you wondered why that person entered your Church?  Before we continue, why don't you contemplate this? Perhaps that individual is tired of fighting a losing battle and their going to try this out for size ...  
Psalm 55:22 (HCSB) - Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.
Now, before we say adieu, we'd like to conclude with this, too?
Matthew 22:39 (NCV) - And the second command is like the first: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Loving Inquiry

On this lovely Sunday morning, can we pick your brain with a question or two if you don't mind? Here we go ...
1. Did you have a good nights sleep?
2. What's on your mind right now?
3. Where do you plan on going today?
We don't mean to be a meddlesome couple, it's just that sometimes life fly's by so fast and you miss out on so much. Therefore, keep this in mind ... 

Matthew 24:36 (NKJV) - But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.
If you have some free time today, why don't you visit a church that preaches/teaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and you'll see life so differently, we guarantee you that ... #HaLLeLuJaH and enjoy your Sunday everyone ...
Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wednesday's Breakfast

During the time of the Jewish Passover, Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem(John 2:13) when low and behold He found people selling oxen, sheep, doves and money changers sitting in the temple, too(John 2:14) ...

Now, hat Jesus Christ did next might create a little controversy because He just started to drive everyone out of the temple and pour out all the money changers’, while overturning the tables, too(John 2:15). However what really touched our hearts was the manner in which Jesus reminded those selling doves in the church, to get them out and to stop turning My Father’s house into a marketplace(John 2:16) ...

As Pastors, it's our mission to constantly remind all those far and near, Christians and Non Christians about the need to be more respectful in the Lord's House(1 Peter 2:17). Followed by, whatever we say should lift up a person, educate our listeners and not allow any foolish come out of our mouths(2 Timothy 2:14) ...

This is a lesson that should be taken to heart; because sometimes the Holy Ghost is content with what's going on. That being said, let's be more mindful what the Apostle Paul said ...

2 Corinthians 9:6 (HCSB) - Remember this: The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously.

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday's Prescription

Dare to be different, in a vigilant kind of way. On account of it's a sui generis manner of catching the eye of someone who needs a word of advice. Thus, try this on for size ...

Ephesians 4:29 (NKJV) - Let no corrupt word proceed out of  your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

For the reason that, one day you may need a loving hear to listen to what your going through, a shoulder to cry on and/or just someone to say "Your not alone and let's pray together" ... With that in mind, have a Blessed Saturday everyone ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Thursday, February 27, 2014

For Troublesome Times

In every library, book store or even online, you'll certainly be able to read a story about the most important man on earth. This individual was the one that John the Baptist prepared the way for(Mark 1:1) ...

At times, society doesn't comprehend the blessings they can obtain by serving the Lord(2 John 1:3). Instead they rather run back and forth, seeking their own solutions to their multitude of predicaments because they believe that what they can obtain is better that what the bible offers. Nonetheless, at the end, time wasted and various types of spiritual, mental and financial deaths are obtained(Proverbs 14:12) ...

Anyone who's in the area of peace of mind, especially during troublesome times and when the world tells you that you'll NEVER find it in Christ, respond with the following verse and God will do the rest ...

Philippians 4:7 (NKJV) - And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Enjoy this Terrific Thursday Everyone ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Vigilant Surveillance

As we looked out our windows, we noticed how so many people are bustling to and fro their Saturday activities. However what stands out in our minds is the manner in which people live their life's somewhat like King Solomon. The Hebrew Bible credits Solomon as the builder of the 1st. Temple in Jerusalem and he also portrays great wisdom, wealth and power, too(1 King 10:23) ...

Now, the point we're conveying to all of you is that God can bless an individual or group with enough wisdom so that they can invent a work of art that will eventually blossom into a future enterprise. That doesn't mean people should build walls so tall that it keeps them from seeking the Lord and going down a dreadful path(Proverbs 14:12) ...

We do believe that Solomon couldn't say it any better ...

Ecclesiastes 1:2 (NKJV) - “Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher; “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”

In conclusion, when you pray ask Jesus Christ to teach you how to balance your life, so that each step you take can become wiser than the last one(Ephesians 5:15) because you don't want to be King Solomon, who made the Lord angry because his heart harden(1 Kings 11:9) ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Monday, January 27, 2014

Inspiration Monday

After Jesus fasted forty days and forty nights(Matthew 4:2) He was hungry and then the devil tempted Him by saying that if He's the Son of God, then why doesn't He turn those stones into bread(Matthew 4:3)?

A person with a skeptical spirit... always likes to second quest that man, woman or youth in Christ with the following questions. If all you do is seek the Lord's presence day and night, then why are you dealing with disrespectful children, financial stress and/or health issues? Aren't you connected with that Heavenly Father you profess to serve, then why don't you about-face your own situation? The devil told Jesus about throwing Himself down from the pinnacle of the temple and the angels will caught you(Matthew 4:5-6) ...

You see, Body of Christ their so many people who delight in your mayhem and give you their version of shortcut to your dilemma. However the more you pray, study God's word and attend His house of worship, the clearer you'll be to a grand slam victory ... Thus, dust yourself off and go full force on what Jesus Christ has ordained over your life ... #Hallelujah,

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Paralleling Our Father

Jesus Christ, we're so graduatefut that you've taught us the true value of life, forgiveness and how not to waste our time carrying loads of bitterness inside of us ... On account of, when you were being crucified on the Cross, placed between those two criminals(Luke 23:32) you could have asked our Heavenly Father to put an end to all your suffering; however all you did request was this ...

Luke 23:34 (NKJV) - Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” And they divided His garments and cast lots.

If Jesus Christ, encountered being mocked and whipped in public, so that mankind could obtain eternal life, then if someone rolls their eyes at us, fabricates lies and attempts to be our friend for a short period of time. All we have to ask God to teach us how to truly feel this ...

1 Peter 4:8 (NKJV) - And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”

Furthermore, if Jesus Christ kept silent during all the above, therefore please continue to teach us to the same when folks feel the need to toss their misery in our direction. Now, instead of us attacking them back, we'd appreciate if you(Lord) could continue to instill in us a desire to pray for them while we attempt to do this too ...

Isaiah 53:7 (NKJV) - He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth.

Now, go off and delight in this God given Thursday ...

 Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

For Every Era

The Apostle Paul was well known for his attentive advice regarding unity, respect and what we as a Body of Christ should watch on television. If you don't believe us then sink your teeth into this ...

Philippians 4:8 (NCV) - Brothers and sisters, think about the things that are good and worthy of praise. Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected.

Even though Paul was incarcerated that didn't limit his ability to contribute productive input for the brothers, sisters and youth in the church. For example, the Apostle Paul had a spiritual son named Timothy who, he steadily enlightened how to conduct themselves in and out of the public eye. Especially when it comes to how they address others(such as conversation wise) ...

Ephesians 4:29 (NKJV) - Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

Obviously, what the Apostle Paul shared with members of the churches of Galatians, Romans, Ephesians and etc., mindful recommendations so that they don't give way to disorderly behavior. For some, what Paul offered in the past should stay in the past; however we totally clash in that concept, on account of what the bible says ...

Hebrews 13:8 (NLT) - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Thus, whatever you've read and studied in the bible, just be open minded; because what the Lord inspired all those brave men, women and youth, it also pertains to you ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Monday, January 20, 2014

A Conscientious, Final Curtain

Sometimes people are bit impulsive when it comes to believing that today's youth are the only age group that feels the need to cradle a crazy lifestyle. We totally disagree with that notion because if you take into consideration the manner in which they were raised, it will bring to light a few aspects of their life's ...

What a pity that criticism still plays a main part in which a lot people tend to judge the behavior of others. However this concept clashes with us because it only creates melee where ever it's spoken. That's why we concur with the Apostle Paul ...

Ephesians 4:29 (NKJV) - Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

In addition to, we've noticed through the years our young men and women refuse to follow in their siblings or friends painful footsteps, on account of they'd rather partake of this ...

Galatians 2:20 (HCSB) - And I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

That being said, instead of attacking our youth, why don't you pray for them, because they are our future leaders ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Cry for Help

Habakkuk(a Prophet of God) was extremely worried and constantly questioned the Lord about how long must he wait before God answers his cry for help(Habakkuk 1:2). Pleading in a ad infinitum way to the Lord because of all the wrongdoing that was staring him in the face, on a daily bases(Habakkuk 1:3) ...

Presenting his case to our Heavenly Father in a clear elucidated manner because he was feed up with how the laws weren't effective and justice never favored the just(Habakkuk 1:4). Habakkuk embraced a spirit of an activist, protesting in a sincere fashion because he wanted the guilty to pay for the crimes. Regularly pointing out the actions of those individuals that rather live their life's regardless of who they hurt and creating their own laws on the way too ...

Oh, do we need more men, women and youth with a spirit like Habakkuk? People who don't want to invariably watch mankind go down the drain(literally speaking). Instead, Habakkuk's antagonistic desire is that everyone be accountable for their dreadful behavior. Now, the Alpha and Omega has anointed men, women an d youth of all ages to stand tall and strong for His(God's) Glory. Watch, wait and you'll see what the Lord has in store for those who disobey his laws and let's not forget that those who live in a respectful demeanor will blessed beyond their own imagination ... #Amen,

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,