Sunday, June 29, 2014

Patience, is a Blessing

While the Apostle Paul was visiting some places in Ephesus(Acts 19:1), he met up with a few followers, Paul proceeded to ask them if they've received the Holy Spirit yet and their reply was sincere because they've never heard about the Holy Spirit(Acts 19:2). You see, the Lord entrusted in us the mission to teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world(Mark 16:15) and that's what Paul was doing. Our point being, their is always someone that still hasn't received the full Gospel of Jesus Christ, that's we should be patient and treat them with love and respect(1 John 4:19) ...

Then the Apostle Paul dug deeper into the conversation because he continued to ask them what kind of baptism did they receive and their reply was the baptism of John(Acts 19:3). Furthermore, Paul shared with them that John’s baptism was a baptism of changed hearts and lives; however Paul told people to believe in the one who's coming after him, and that one is Jesus(Acts 19:4). Paul took the time to carefully educate them on the definition of baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus, then Paul took their hands and they immediately received the Holy Spirit, prophesying and spoke in different languages, too(Acts 19:5-6) ...

We'd just want to stress the importance of manifesting the fruits of the spirit(Galatians 5:22-23) and then the Lord will take care of the rest ... #Something2Ponder,

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Friday, June 27, 2014

Dear Body of Christ

Yes, in each Brother and Sister's life the Lord allows them to encounter or accompany someone who's preaching or teaching Gospel of Jesus Christ to individuals that should ponder how to become free of their sinful life...'s; but instead they refuse to recognize their faults. That's what occurred to the Apostle Paul, when he was at synagogue every Sabbath and tried to persuade both Jews and Greeks(Acts 18:4) ...

Now, the Jews resisted and blasphemed about what the Apostle Paul was saying regarding Jesus being the Messiah(Acts 18:5); nonetheless Paul didn't conduct himself in an immature manner; but instead he stated that their blood won't fall on him(Acts 18:6). What we as a Body of Christ should seriously ponder from what the Apostle Paul did is that what we do is for the Lord's glory and sometimes speaking the truth and clear to a sibling, friend or stranger can open their eyes when you or they least expect it ...

Thus, continue to share the God's word every opportunity you get and in the Lord's time and don't EVER be ashamed(2 Timothy 1:8) because when you least expect you'll see the results ...

Enjoy your 1st. day of summer, while you relax in a Jesus Joy kind of atmosphere ... #HaLLeLuJaH,
Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

On TiMe

In the book of 2 Kings 4:1, the bible talks about a widow prophet's wife, who cried out to Elisha the Prophet; because a creditor was threatening to take away her 2 children and making them his slaves because she owned him money. Now the Prophet Elisha asked her what did she have in her home and she replied just a jar full of oil(2 Kings 4:2).

You know something, when you think that "ALL" isn't enough, that's when God teaches you a lesson in Faith(Hebrews 11:1). Now, here's what the Prophet Elisha told the widow, go and borrow as many empty containers from your neighbors(2 Kings 4:3). Then go into your home with your 2 sons and pour the oil in all those jars(2 Kings 4:4). After she filled the jars, she continued to tell her 2 sons to bring her more containers; however the 2 young boys told her that they didn't have anymore(2 Kings 4:6).

The widow told Elisha the man of God that she did what he said, then Elisha told her to go and sell the oil, pay your debt and you & your 2 sons can live in peace(2 Kings 4:7). What the Lord is trying to each you is that when you think your at the end of your rope, that's when our Heavenly Father sends you a person or resource to get out of the bottomless pit ... #Something2Ponder, Instead of giving up!

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Friday, June 13, 2014

Jesus, truly Transforms

Grateful that while we were studying the bible this afternoon, the Lord spoke to our hearts regarding the true transformation of an individual who attacked Christians because they believed in Jesus Christ(Acts 9:1) ... While Saul traveled to Damascus, a falling light to the ground questioned Saul regarding why he persecutes Christians(Acts 9:3-4) ...

After Saul's encounter with God, he was blinded for 3 days(Acts 9:9). Then the Lord spoke to a man named Anaias, sent him to a home of believers so that he'd lay hands on Saul and help him regain his sight(Acts 9:15) ...

God occasionally allows you to embark upon certain situations in life and after you've suffered a bite, the His Glory restores and establishes you beyond your imagination (1 Peter 5:10) ... The moral of this is, give thanks to the Lord; because the BIGGER the battle the greater the Victory( 1 Corinthians 15:57) ...
Breakfast with Jesus, 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Tuesday's Truth

Afore, Jesus Christ commissioned His 12 disciples(Matthew 10:2-4) with authority over the unclean spirits, healing every disease and sickness was also on His agenda(Matthew 10:1). In addition to, not sending them off on a wild-goose chase or unprepared for what lies ahead. Rather, Jesus continued to remind His first 12 followers(disciples) that before they do anything or go anywhere, prayer is an essential key to keeping an eye out for traps that could lead to an ungodly demeanor(Matthew 26:41). That was also on His mind while He walked with His 12 disciples, because He knew that they were sheep among wolfs(Matthew 10:16) ...

In conclusion, Body of Christ be prudent regarding your actions (Proverbs 22:3) because fashions, clothing and the music industry change; but the intention of the enemy is the same(John 10:10) ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,