Saturday, July 19, 2014


A simple word that carries a BIG meaning. The bible defines faith as waiting for something you haven't seen yet; but hoping for it anyway(Hebrews 11:1). Perhaps, you have a particular petition before the Lord; but your faith level is decreasing. Here's a story about a couple named Abraham & Sara that were childless; nonetheless the Lord promised them a kid(Genesis 18:14). Sara immediately giggled(Genesis 18:12) because was focusing on her age instead of what God said... ...

You shouldn't draw calculations on what your seeing, because your not going to get the full picture. For example, you may not being asking the Lord told Sara & Abraham that they'd have a child, but they thought that their old age wouldn't permit it(Romans 4:19). At the end the Lord(like always) was true to His word and Sara gave birth to a son, a year later; because God would establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant with their son(Genesis 16:18) ...

With this last thought we'd like to leave with you, God will supply your needs according to the riches in Jesus Christ(Philippians 4:19). Therefore, when it comes to hope rejoice, as for tribulations, be patient and ALWAYS prayer(Romans 12:12) ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Resembling Jesus

At this moment, while so many people are sleeping, getting back from or going to work, we have to stop and say how GRATEFUL we are to Jesus transformed our life's(2 Corinthians 5:17). Christ also did it for you and the rest of society, too. The awesome part of it was that even before, we were saved, He still loved us anyway(Romans 5:8) ...

That's we can't stop testifying to the world how GRATEFUL we are to be called His Daughter and Son, we're no longer alone; instead we'r...e joined in spirit to Christ(1 Corinthians 6:17) ...

Keep in mind, if your ever reunited with a sibling, friend or interact with a stranger, that hasn't taken that serious step of faith yet, for some reason or other and you offer them the plan of Salvation; but instead of showing the Lord and you respect, they conduct themselves in a rude fashion. Don't fall into their trap of disrespect(Romans 12:21) ... On the contrary, share the same love the Lord gave you(1 John 4:19) and in time you'll see God's Glory ...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Similar Problems

When you come to the Lord, don't think that you won't encounter a few ups and downs; but keep in mind that what's awaiting you in Heaven is greater than your suffering(Romans 8:18). There was a man Job named, who in God's eyes was respectful and feared the Lord(Job 1:1) and let's not forget, extremely rich, too(Job 1:2);  however he was experiencing this ...
Job had sons that loved to host banquets and invite their 3 sisters(Job 1:4). As a result, every morning Job suggested to his children to go purify themselves, so that in the event that they offended the Lord, God would forgive them(Job 1:5). Parents all over the world have similar problems; because some of today's youth are experiencing a great deal of peer pressure and it introduces them to disobeying the Lord, their parents, themselves and eventually embracing bad habits, too(1 Corinthians 15:33) ...
Nonetheless, the bible continues to teach all those who study it or just read through it(once in a blue moon) to NEVER lose hope because whatever Jesus Christ started in you and your family's life, He'll finish it(Philippians 1:6) ...
Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

It's Your Choice

When the Lord gives you a particular responsibility, you shouldn't allow anyone to intimidate you into doing something that will offend God. For example, Moses went up to the mountain to pray(Exodus 32:1) the people gathered around Arron an...d demanded that Arron make them Gods that would lead them(Exodus 32:1) ...

It's a pity, how some people forget how the Lord told Moses to take His people our of Egypt(Exodus 3:10). Instead of being grateful, they start to ask for the impossible. For example, Arron(Moses Brother) caved in and told everyone to bring him their wife's, daughters and neighbors gold earrings(Exodus 32:2). The people immediately handed Arron all the gold(Exodus 32:3) so Arron made a statue of a calf(Exodus 32:4) ...

If God blesses you with a career or a blissful relationship and your being persuaded into doing something that you know it's not your cup of tea, you have 2 choices. Stick to your guns and be yourself or please someone else while your frustrated and as a result offend the Lord, too. That being said, the choice is your; but if we were you, we'd stand firm in what we believe and were taught; because in the long run you'll grow and people will respect you more ...
Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Morning Everyone:

The Apostle Paul set sail to Ephesus because he wanted to spend some time at Asia, while hurrying to Jerusalem, so he could be there for the day of Pentecost(Acts 20:16). Now, during the time Paul was in Miletus and he sent a message to Ephesus, calling for the elders of the Church(Acts 20:17). Paul began to reminisce with the elders about the 1st. time he set foot in Asia(Acts 20:18). Occasionally, when someone is about to share a heartfelt story or farewell(like Paul) was about to do, a person chats about the good and bad times they experienced together ...

All in all, the Apostle Paul served the Lord with humility and he underwent trials and tribulations, too, because the Jews were always plotting against him(Acts 20:19). That's why, we as a Body of Christ can't ever turn our backs on the only one who dies on the Cross for us(Mark 15:25). Perchance, your under attack at home, work or even during summer school; however if you study the bible, you'll see that Paul wasn't the only one who's been through trying times, especially on account of him spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ(Matthew 28:19). Yes, your going to suffer, siblings and friends may turn their backs on you, however you shouldn't be surprised(1 Peter 4:12) because your telling the world about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and the devil's angry. So be careful because the knows that if you continue to serve the Lord, the blessings that are going to follow you are endless and that's why he'll attempt to send traps your way(1 Peter 5:8) ...

Blessings from Jesus Christ,