Sunday, January 25, 2015

Deep Down Inside

Greetings Everybody:
During your quest of preparing yourself so that you arrive on time to God's House, but your struggling with a few issues that only want to stir up in your mind anger, bitterness and an unforgiving spirit, too. Deep down inside, you have to comprehend that it's the enemy attempting to robe you (John 10:10); however you should remember that right now you maybe crying or in pain; but later on you'll rejoice with joy (Psalm 126:5) ...
As human beings, we have... the option to fixate our attention on what's momentary (but we don't advise that) or constantly pray; so that we can be focused on what leads to eternal life (2 Corinthians 4:18); because if you recall the Apostle Paul encountered a great deal of trials and tribulations however he took it upon himself to inform all those within his reach that what the Lord started in your life, He'll (God) will bring it to a blissful finish (Philippians 1:6) ...
We hope and pray that all of you had a Blessed Sunday ...
Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Friday, January 9, 2015

Don't Hesitate, Have Faith

Good Morning Beloved:          

The bible discusses how Jesus Christ healed and liberated people in various ways. For instance, when Jesus went to the house of Peter's mother-in-laws home because she was extremely ill with a high fever (Matthew 8:14), He (Jesus) touched her hand and the fever immediately left (Matthew 8:15) ...

There was also a gentleman with a severe skin disease and when he saw Jesus the first thing he did was fall to his knees, asked Jesus to heal him (Mark 1:40). As Jesus listened and observed the man, he felt extremely sorry for him, then processed to touch him and then the man was instantly healed (Mark 1:41) ...

The Lord inspired us to share this post in order to inform all our readers that if you know that someone is ill and you have faith (Matthew 17:20), pray for them (Mark 11:24) and then the Lord will definitely take care of the rest ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Wisdom, Discipline & Knowledge

Solomon was King David's son (Proverbs 1:1) and he was inspired by the Holy Ghost to write the book of Proverbs. Without a doubt, this book is full of wisdom and discipline for people of all ages, who seek to acquires knowledge (Proverbs 18:15) ...

Every verse offers healthy tips on how to stay away from ungodly people and activities (Proverbs 14:16). Furthermore, Proverbs shares with it's readers what can occur to a person who refuses to adhere to the parables, wise sayings or riddles that Solomon offers (Proverbs 12:1) ...

Upon this New Year, if your seeking a book that will nourish your mind, console your heart and discipline your life, Proverbs offers that and much more (Proverbs 9:9) ... #HaLLeLuJaH,
Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,