Friday, July 5, 2013

Aloha Everyone

It's amazing the manner in which Jesus Christ blesses a person's life. For instance, Abraham was sitting in front of his home(during biblical times, a home was referred to as a tent), when 3 men(vessels of God) arrived(Genesis 18:1-2). Now, when the Lord's about to birth a gift into you, he tends to announce it beforehand. You see, Sarah & Abraham were elderly and Sarah was passed her prime when it came to bearing a child(Genesis 18:11), but that's when our H
Heavenly Father loves to toss us a curve ball, just like in Abraham & Sarah's case ...

In fact, you may even feel the need to laugh or chuckle a little like Sarah(Genesis 18:12), because a sense of doubt arose. That's natural, but don't cuddle that thought for a long period of time because that might instill in you a mindset that the enemy will appreciate, followed by robbing you of what the Almighty has established for your life(John 10:10) ...

In conclusion, ponder Sarah & Abraham's story as it were your own, because Jesus Christ hasn't and won't change(Hebrews 13:8). The root to this biblical chronicle is this, what's yours is yours ...
Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

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