Thursday, February 27, 2014

For Troublesome Times

In every library, book store or even online, you'll certainly be able to read a story about the most important man on earth. This individual was the one that John the Baptist prepared the way for(Mark 1:1) ...

At times, society doesn't comprehend the blessings they can obtain by serving the Lord(2 John 1:3). Instead they rather run back and forth, seeking their own solutions to their multitude of predicaments because they believe that what they can obtain is better that what the bible offers. Nonetheless, at the end, time wasted and various types of spiritual, mental and financial deaths are obtained(Proverbs 14:12) ...

Anyone who's in the area of peace of mind, especially during troublesome times and when the world tells you that you'll NEVER find it in Christ, respond with the following verse and God will do the rest ...

Philippians 4:7 (NKJV) - And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Enjoy this Terrific Thursday Everyone ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Vigilant Surveillance

As we looked out our windows, we noticed how so many people are bustling to and fro their Saturday activities. However what stands out in our minds is the manner in which people live their life's somewhat like King Solomon. The Hebrew Bible credits Solomon as the builder of the 1st. Temple in Jerusalem and he also portrays great wisdom, wealth and power, too(1 King 10:23) ...

Now, the point we're conveying to all of you is that God can bless an individual or group with enough wisdom so that they can invent a work of art that will eventually blossom into a future enterprise. That doesn't mean people should build walls so tall that it keeps them from seeking the Lord and going down a dreadful path(Proverbs 14:12) ...

We do believe that Solomon couldn't say it any better ...

Ecclesiastes 1:2 (NKJV) - “Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher; “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”

In conclusion, when you pray ask Jesus Christ to teach you how to balance your life, so that each step you take can become wiser than the last one(Ephesians 5:15) because you don't want to be King Solomon, who made the Lord angry because his heart harden(1 Kings 11:9) ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,