Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday's News Flash

Evening ALL:

The Apostle Paul (Timothy's Spiritual Father) was constantly warning Tim about how and why he shouldn't give into evil desires, such as we lust. Paul even went deeper, he'd offered an productive alternative, such as: living a healthy lifestyle (2 Timothy 2:22). Paul took on the title of fatherhood went it come to young Timothy (1 Timothy 1:18). Furthermore, Paul chatting with Tim about the pro's and con's of debating or arguing with others. Every chance the Apostle Paul got, he used it to suggest that involving himself in futile altercations; only lead to senseless bickering (2 Timothy 2:23) ...

The Apostle Paul slipped on numerous hats when it came Timothy and one of them was being his confidant, too. Why you ask, it's because Timothy was being schooled by Paul in how to interact with others (2 Timothy 2:24) ...

All in all, their is an Apostle Paul (Spiritual Father) and a Timothy (Spiritual Son) in all of us and together they'll learn from each other (Proverbs 27:17) literally speaking and that's an awesome combination ...

Blessings from Breakfast with Jesus,

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